100% Vegan
Just as delicious, much healthier
Jakarta and Bandung
Fresh products, delivered to your doorstep
100% Support
Wiser options, supporting your health
Featured Products
Our healthy favorites for every day.
For you and your family.
At home, after a workout or at the office.
Overnight Oats
Red Velvet, Carrot Cake, Pina Colada, Klasik, Vanilla Dream and Sour Berries
Star Maid Raisin, Coconut Flakes, Dark Choclate Chips, Granola for Welbeing, Prime Rolled Oats, Prime Ground Flaxseed, Pure Natural Sea-Salt, Cinnamon Powder and Premium Chia Seeds
Nut Butter
Peanut Butter
Need help choosing the right Overnight Oats?
At SAGI Kitchen we are determined to give all of Indonesia wiser options for meals and snacks.
Our Overnight Oats, delivered in Bandung and Jakarta, have a boosting base of whole foods, contain only real fruits and vegetables and are all 100% vegan.
All Overnight Oats include the full nutritional value for each product. To support your lifestyle wishes. The trial package includes all flavors, so you can get to know your favorite.
Why our customers choose SAGI products.
Overnight oats dari Sagi untuk sarapan pagi aku.
The reason why I love this product itu karena nutrition factnya lengkap dan jumlah kalorinya jelas. Aku suka yang rasa pina colada soalnya coconutnya kerasa banget dan creamy banget.
Health Enthusiast
Menu baru untuk sarapan sehat aku dan anakku. Rasa favoritku yaitu pina colada. Sagi ini bisa dijadikan snack sehat, terus bisa disimpan untuk tiga hari kedepan untuk snack anakku.
Diany Maedasari
General Practitioner (Dokter Umum)
Nice packaging dan appetite banget. Sebagai orang yang masih awam soal makanan sehat, awalnya ngira makanan ini rasanya bakal aneh, tapi taunya enak banget. Packagingnya bagus dan ecofriendly. Saya bakal order makanan ini berkali-kali.
Andhika Putra
Food Entrepreneur
Shop These Essentials!
Every household is now focused on making wise lifestyle choices.
SAGI Kitchen is here to support a healthy life and create healthy families.
The basis of our existence is in wiser choices and actions, every day.